Fàilte gu trì drochaidean

Welcome to the three bridges

Bienvenue à la trois ponts

Willkommen zu drei Brückenvvvvv

Benvenuto a tre ponti

Benvenuto a tre ponti

欢迎来到 三座桥梁


Bienvenidos a tres puentes
The Forth Rail Bridge
1890. The first of the three bridges. Over engineered in the wake of the Tay Bridge Disaster, it was designed to project strength and stability to the eyes of the travelling Victorians. It is perhaps one of the most recognisable structures in the world.
The Forth Road Bridge
1964. The Forth Road Bridge was the fourth longest in the world and the longest outside the United States when it opened. The bracing between the towers in the shape of a St Andrews Cross adds to its stylish appearance.
Queensferry Crossing
2017. At 1.7 miles the structure will be the longest three-tower, cable-stayed bridge in the world. It is also the largest to feature the cross hatching cables, adding extra strength, stability, and giving a distinctive elegance.
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Upcoming Events
Whilst we currently have no upcoming events why not learn a little more about the history of the Three Bridges, from the true beginnings in 1040!